Dark Series Wiki

Gary Jansen is an American scientist who slowly became integrated into the Carpathian world and was eventually converted. After conversion was finished in Dark Blood, Gregori made Gary his brother and all Carpathians refer to him as Gary Daratrazanoff from that moment on. Gary now carries the weight of the Daratrazanoff ancients and duties.

In Dark Promises, he attempts to bind Gabrielle to him in the way of the Carpathian people, but he can't do it. When she runs away, hurt by him saying to wait until he knows what is happening, she takes colors with her. Then, seeing her at the monastery the next rising, he gives into her, saying they will spend fifty years together, away from everyone and everything, when vines reach out and grab her. Aleksei, Gabby's true lifemate, appears and attacks Gary. Seeing him causes Gary to loose all of his emotions just as quickly as the lost of colors. He continues to surprise Mikhail and Gregori by showing that he could think clearly after so suddenly loosing everything. He flies back with the two Carpathians, acting like a true Daratrazanoff and protecting the prince with honor. It is revealed that he has become a vessel for the ancient Daratrazanoffs who hadn't found lifemates during their existence and he had aged a thousand years in a few short days, even feeling the darkness close to the surface so that no hope is left behind. It looked as if the Gary that Gabrielle knew was gone, replaced by a true Daratrazanoff, and an ancient one at that. Trixie, Teagan, and Gabrielle helped him find the location of his lifemate, sending him to France.

In Dark Legacy, he plays a major part in helping Dragomir and Emeline, helping to rid mother and child of parasites and destroying another Malinov Brother. Though the ancients from the monastery do not trust him at first, they all see he is a great healer and warrior. He also becomes Tariq's second in command in the Carpathian Stronghold in the U.S., acting like the Daratarazanoffs before him. Though his lifemate lives in Paris, she is still an infant, but he knows when she was born and that she is alive, which is more than many others like him.
